The brief detail


The success of an interior design scheme will depend not only upon on the skills and creativity of the designer in question, but their ability to answer the brief set by a client. A good brief will be as detailed and project-specific as possible. It will outline the client’s requirements and aspirations and set down a budget for works and, crucially, the time scale in which the project must be realised.

For more information on writing a brief use our guide to finding and working with a designer

In all cases the designer will need to know:

  • Who will be using the space and what are their various needs/requirements?
  • How many people will be using the space?
  • How long will the space be used for? Days? Months? Years?
  • What does the client hope to achieve/gain through commissioning the work?
  • What’s the budget?
  • What’s the time scale for completion?

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